


Department of Primary Industries, Queensland staff are investigating a range of management strategies and technologies aimed at making Queensland grazing businesses more profitable and drought resilient. This work…

Are you interested in undertaking an economic evaluation of your supply chain pathways to get a triple bottom line for adopting specific management options? Using benefit cost analysis,…

Increasing the efficiency of north Australian cattle production systems using local crops to improve dry season weight gain Supported by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia…

The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience program funds many events across Queensland. Previous events have included business analysis workshops, herd nutrition days, networking and upskilling breakfasts, land restoration showcases…

This is part three of the webinar series – Making profitable management decisions after the dry. This webinar recording aims to provide grain growers a ‘first look’ at…

Richard and Beth Judd moved to ‘Hat Creek’ at Baralaba in 1999. They are a family operation with their sons, Clayton and Wyatt, involved in the business. In May…

In this Calf Alive symposium presentation Dan Lynch, North Australian Beef Producer, discusses how he and his family have managed their beef breeding operations in the Northern Territory’s…

What is the best way to use high quality forages? In central Queensland is it better to: feed leucaena to steers to sell them as bullocks or put…

The Economic performance of beef cattle finishing systems used on the North-Eastern Downs project was set up as part of the Implementation of Producer Demonstration Sites to increase…

‘Enhancing input to the CQSS2’ a joint project Fitzroy Basin Association-Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries was formed under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and the Natural Heritage Trust extension. This report has three sections: key stakeholder grazing knowledge; economics of land regeneration, and; grazing and sediment trade-offs.