Growth paths



Leucaena leucocephala, a perennial browse legume, represents one of the few nutritional options to significantly improve beef productivity in northern Australia. Recently, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)…

What is the best way to use high quality forages? In central Queensland is it better to: feed leucaena to steers to sell them as bullocks or put…

The Optimising growth paths of beef cattle in northern Australia for increased profit project aimed to provide cost-effective strategies to increase growth rates and achieve younger, heavier turn-off…

The Improved empirical models of cattle growth, reproduction and mortality project from native pastures in northern Australia project reviewed, tested and updated animal production modules of existing grazing…

The Growth and meat quality of grain finished entire male Bos indicus cattle project built on previous MLA research which demonstrated significant productivity gains in entire male cattle.…

The Factors associated with divergent post-weaning liveweight gain in northern Australian beef cattle project, examined factors associated with divergence in post-weaning growth in Bos indicus steers in northern…

The ‘Causal factors affecting liveweight gain in north Australian beef herds’ project measured factors that affect within-herd variation in weight gain in extensive Northern Territory beef herds. The factors included genetics, diseases, parasites, temperament and diet selection. It also analysed historical data sets and pen studies.