


The On-farm algal ponds to provide protein for northern cattle project investigated producing a cheap protein source in the form of microalgae to supplement cattle in northern Australia…

The Increased efficiency of microbial protein production in the rumen through manipulation of nutrients and rumen microbial populations (Addendum) project examined strategies to increase microbial protein production in…

The Increased efficiency of microbial protein production in the rumen through manipulation of nutrients and rumen microbial populations project involved three PhD students who utilised molecular techniques to…

The Improved modelling of livestock production from lucerne project improved the capacity of the GRAZPLAN pasture growth model to predict lucerne growth and development by analysis of a…

The Improved empirical models of cattle growth, reproduction and mortality project from native pastures in northern Australia project reviewed, tested and updated animal production modules of existing grazing…

The Growth and meat quality of grain finished entire male Bos indicus cattle project built on previous MLA research which demonstrated significant productivity gains in entire male cattle.…

The Factors associated with divergent post-weaning liveweight gain in northern Australian beef cattle project, examined factors associated with divergence in post-weaning growth in Bos indicus steers in northern…

The project Practical and sustainable considerations for the mitigation of methane emissions in the northern Australian beef herd using nitrate supplements examined the efficacy of methane reduction, animal…

The Nutrition EDGE package is tailored for your conditions and enterprise management. It is designed to equip you to make decisions that ultimately help to achieve your herd…

Water is one of the most important factors of successful livestock production. If water quality is poor livestock drink less. When livestock drink less, they eat less, lose condition and have less milk. These Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, pages cover: water salinity, blue-green algae, contamination, water testing and where to get more information.