Archived Beeftalk features

Beeftalk was a newspaper feature distributed in the Queensland Country Life newspaper in south-east Queensland.

Please find below archived editions of the Beeftalk dating back to 2004.


EditionTopics discussed
DecemberHow to best manage a reproductive disease, drought preparation in Mulga Lands, betting on your books, silage and gross margin budgeting.
AugustPlanning burns, pimelea, bull selection.
JuneNew cattle welfare rules, North Australian Beef Research Council explained, new videos coming to FutureBeef and sheep industry insights.
AprilChatting with extension officers at Beef Australia 2021, pasture dieback on the Darling Downs, the benefits of shade, pasture budgeting and drought planning.
FebruaryIndian couch invasion, raising poddy calves, technology at Beef 2021, techniques to mitigate heat stress in rams.
EditionTopics discussed
DecemberGetting the facts on climate, journey to regeneration, management decisions made easier with FORAGE, and Flock Talk.
OctoberAnimal performance aids decisions, irrigation options in WA, new NVDs available, From Methods to Markets project and more.
AugustBiocrusts, protecting cattle from lead poisoning, herd budgeting tool online, comparing feed options, and Flock Talk.
JuneUsing the right pain relief, bull management checklist, forage budgeting, offline mobile map apps, urea poisoning, and Flock Talk.
AprilPasture dieback, Calf Watch project update, early weaning, and Flock Talk.
FebruaryPhosphorus proves profitable, determining your green date, reducing weed risks from fodder, reef protection regulations, and Flock Talk.

EditionTopics discussed
SummerMaking top quality silage, African Swine Fever on Australia's doorstep, daily water requirements, using vaccines effectively and Flock Talk.
SpringBotulism in focus, buying good bulls made easy, lick trough selection, putting a stop to Coolatai grass, Fit to Load Guide and Flock Talk.
AutumnEarly weaning as a dry season management tool, making the most of NLIS, remaining vigilant for pasture dieback, selecting for fertility, biosecurity risks when feeding during drought, making money from trees and drought and Flock Talk.

EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerUnderstanding meatworks feedback, measuring breeder performance, FORAGE reports, the impact of chemicals on dung beetles, how much P and when, minimising animal welfare risks during drought and cattle tick treatment arrangements in Queensland.
WinterInfrastructure planning tips and tricks, the benefits of spelling pastures, drought declaration changes, suitable legumes for the Brigalow belt, understanding supplementation labels, anthrax in southern Queensland and buying good performing bulls.
AutumnThe countdown to Beef 2018, setting stocking rate, Grazing BMP, urea poisoning, forage budgeting and preparing the soil for sowing legumes.

EditionTopics discussed
SummerBiosecurity reminders, pimelea poisoning, decision dates, weeds in fodder, pasture dieback, GrazingFutures project, getting to know your soils, managing giant rat's tail grass and data recording at Brian Pastures.
WinterFireweed, Grazing BMP, cover crops, biosecurity plans, getting started on BREEDPLAN, teat and under conformation, lowering bull to breeder ratios and Flock Talk.
AutumnForage oat variety guide, tick fever vaccination reminder, best practice vaccination handling, tactics for tough times, heavy stocking leaves you short, planning for the dry times, lead poisoning, Flock Talk.

EditionTopics discussed
SummerUsing fire to manage pastures, Grazing BMP in practice, Rural Financial Counselling Service, pimelea poisoning, phosphorus deficiency screening and more.
WinterGrazing BMP in Monto, farewelling Stu McLennan, coping with mental illness, new biosecurity laws, repronomics, navigating disaster relief help, Indian couch, leucaena rumen bugs and taking the guess work out of bull buying.
AutumnEarly weaning, using fire in the rangelands, FORAGE, foot and mouth disease, new forage varieties, new biosecurity laws and low interest loans.

EditionTopics discussed
SummerTimely Timely tips for summer, research update, vaccinations for beef cattle, buffalo fly control options, keys to successful legume establishment and Flock Talk.
WinterPredicted el nino, getting the most from your forages, rainfall onset outlook, new Grazing BMP officers, feeding calves, timely tips and getting the most from your dam water.
AutumnWhat you need to know about forage oats, helping businesses stay safe, farm safety, beef business, pasture rundown, nitrate supplementation, autumn timely tips and Flock Talk.
EditionTopics discussed
AutumnClimate watch, drought aid, grazing decisions for the year ahead, High Output Forages project, forage budgeting, break-even analyses, costing nutrients, understanding phosphorus nutrition, treating cattle ticks, testing ticks for resistance, twelve tips for successful marketing and more.
WinterTrialling remote technology, interactive weather maps, biosecurity planning, previous impacts of el nino, the basics of NLIS, lead poisoning, estimating diet quality, fireweed, economics of improved pastures, weaning and educating calves, plus a great deal more!
SpringPlan now to spell later, measuring bull fertility and getting the most from your bulls.
SummerNRM Spatial Hub, identifying P deficiency, calculating your green date, botulism, StockTake plus, recovering land condition, AI training, legumes for the tropics, mulga fern, biosecurity responsibilities, water quality and Flock Talk.
EditionTopics discussed
SummerCalculating your green date, managing for land condition, what to do when drought breaks, preserving pasture, toxic plants, reflections of drought, drought declaration processes, buyer beware when buying alternative feeds, early weaning, calculating how much cattle eat and timely tips for summer.
SpringUsing climate information, tick fever vaccine facts, bringing in new cattle, quality seed, lifting heifer fertility, establishing pastures, electric fences, waybills, drought aid, crossing the tick line with horses and timely tips.
AutumnSeasonal outlook, pasture recovery after flood, StockTake plus, pasture rundown, factors affecting soil carbon, research update, weedy sporobolus grasses, sorghum grass poisoning in horses, keeping dung beetles in pastures, buffalo fly control options, beef prices at historic lows, assisting difficult births and more.

EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerLantana poisoning, BeefSpecs, CashCow update, carbon farming, pregnancy testing for better planning, heifer management, thatch grass control, adding legumes to sown pastures, weaner management, new livestock transport laws, warts, standing by what you sell, growing leucaena and more.
Autumn/winterDiagnosing disease and deficiencies, dung beetles, selecting for muscling, becoming a stud cattle breeder, mulga fern poisoning, landholder rights and the CSG industry, water medication, immunocontraceptives, supplementary feeding, ordering the leucaena rumen innoculum and more.


EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerPoll gene test, maintaining productivity while selecting for production traits, principles for using vaccines, drench resistance in beef weaners, NLIS, Hendra, PMAVs, infrastructure planning and more.
Autumn/winterControlling coccidiosis, diseases, poisoning and parasites after floods, high density vs mob grazing, creep feeding, BBSEs pay, medics for pastures, slashing grass, leptospirosis in cattle and people, medics for pastures, doing your own field trials, spear grass grazing tips and much more.


EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerPreparing for the breeding season, the creeping lantana handbook, controlling vibriosis and trichomoniasis, pestivirus, tick fever, Hendra, lantana management, cost of production, HGPs, economics of overstocking, NLIS for management, grader grass, developing private forestry and more.
Autumn/winterNet carbon, internal parasites, biological soil crusts, weaning, preg testing, beef supply chain costs, using vaccines, understanding hay and silage analyses, collecting plant samples for identification and much more.

EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerTransporting cattle, operating margin, using fire to manage grazing country, an integrated approach to buffalo fly control, soil organic matter and biology, termite control in yards, organic treatments for parasites, mineral deficiencies, mine-landowner rights, zoonotic diseases and lifetime traceability.
Autumn/winter5in1 vaccine, wiregrasses, post weaning diarrhoea, three-day sickness, fireweed alert, spreading weeds, lice control, NIRS and more.

EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerLegumes for fodder crops and short-term pastures, worm egg counts, worm drench resistance, uterine prolapse, sown pastures, research update, bull buying made easy, lippia, lantana, costing supplements, forest bluegrass, bovine wasting syndrome, water weed maintenance, tick resistance to chemicals increases, clearing muddy water and much more.
Autumn/winterStocking rate productivity and profitability, weaning and educating calves, risks and returns of selling tress for carbon credits, preventing leucaena toxicity, NLIS in management, annual ragweed control, MSA grading, black spear grass management and more.


EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerPasture management for drought recovery, weeds in hay, kangaroo grass, lantana, pimelea, northern Australia's best beef breeding cattle, from science to application, selling options for beef cattle, FarmBis subsidies, vaccine storage and handling tips, applying NLIS ear tags and more.
Autumn/winterManaging breeders to improve weaning rates, dry season management, understanding protein supplements, native legumes, collecting plant samples, blady grass, native forest management, selecting a working dog and more!
EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerManaging breeder herds, key performance indicators, managing the risks of failed pasture establishment, using DNA markers, NLIS, waybills, buying a small property, livestock production assurance, animal welfare, knowing your worms, mouldy hay and more.
Autumn/winterSupplementary feeding, native forest code of practice, dips, ticks, tail tag phase out, NLIS, bull buying checklist, HGPs, fireweed, avian influenza and more.
EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerWeeds, Siam weed, Chilean needle grass, prickly pear, responsibilities of owning livestock, breeds for grain fed markets, aging cattle by teeth, sampling your water, big head in horses, swill feeding, water quality and water requirements, training and water medication.
Autumn/winterPlanning your burn, no NLIS tag, no sale, dried distillers grain, annual breeding management checklist, pasture renovation, research update, pestivirus, dryland sown pastures and more.


EditionTopics discussed
Spring/summerBreak of season forage budgeting rules, reflections on drought, betting on the rain, statistics, ground cover, water medicating, herd rebuilding, tick fever, tropical and temperate grasses, blue heliotrope, phosphorus supplementation, out of season calves and much more.
Autumn/winterimpacts of pasture quality on production, seasonal outlook, beware the cost of fodder sheds, managing pastures, the EU market, selling or marketing, economics, breed selection, hand rearing calves, fertiliser for sown pasture and more.