FutureBeef eBulletin
Keep up-to-date with the latest beef cattle and rangelands research for northern Australia with the monthly FutureBeef eBulletin. These industry and regionally specific newsletters, written and prepared by leading beef extension officers, scientists and industry specialists, are a great resource for your business.
The FutureBeef eBulletin is a free electronic subscription service. Monthly updates feature the latest in research and development, news and views, and workshops and industry events across northern Australia.
- November 2024: Wet season spelling for Mitchell grass recovery, effective use of buffalo fly tags, feeding whole cottonseed, poisonous plants, making the most of the weather forecast and more
- October 2024: Spring and pasture dieback, reproductive loss, bushfire outlook, disaster preparation and more
- September 2024: Spring opportunities for pasture dieback affected pastures, soil testing, the seasonal bushfire outlook and getting ready for the flood, fire, cyclone time of year. BeefConnect webinar with Dr Michael Michael McGowan on Managing infectious causes of reproductive loss in beef herds, the Indigenous Grazing for Profit program, Kidman Springs BeefUp forum highlights and more
- August 2024: Producer case studies from the Northern Territory on Mitchell grass recovery and weaner management, the next instalment of Turning leaf into beef—troubleshooting common challenges on irrigated pastures, how drones can be used for more than ‘just’ mustering, changes to Livestock Production Assurance (LPA), plus much more
- July 2024: Preparing for transport and setting cattle up for optimum performance and health, dry season pasture and breeder management, irrigated pasture best management practice, wet season spelling, ag-tech at ‘Echo Hills’, low preg test rates, ticks, buffalo flies and more
- June 2024: Latest research, irrigated pastures in the north, supply chain options, alternative pest control, new NYCI and more
- May 2024: Water medication PDS results, Kimberley BeefUp highlights, Environmental Credentials, identifying fall armyworm and more
- April 2024: Managing dry season feed, pasture dieback on the move, benefits of business planning and more
- March 2024: Biocrusts, water monitoring technology update, safe grazing utilisation rates, winning the war against rubber vine in the NT, how to avoid vaccination lumps and more!
- February 2024: Wambiana 20-year grazing trial, 3 day sickness, flood support and learnings, outback genetic innovation and a legume demonstration.
- January 2024: The best performing articles from 2023—perks of pregnancy testing, remote monitoring system purchasing cheat sheet, strategies to boost fertility, dung samples – your questions answered, Easy P trial update, new Carbon Calculator, double whammy effect of dry season nutrition, keeping sight of profit drivers when selecting bulls, crossbred heifers outperform Brahman cohort in NT trial, and updating the phosphorus map of Queensland.
- December 2023: Updates from the NT Livestock Industries team, the WA Southern Rangelands modelling project, new GRASS program funding opportunities, the Method to Market project, phosphorus supplementation, new reports of pasture dieback, and more!
- November 2023: Outcomes and findings from 7 years of pasture dieback research, new book about improving cow fertility and reducing mortalities, forward planning is key when drought planning, objective culling strategies, KPCA Livestock handling cup winners, information to help recover from bushfires, and more!
- October 2023: Calculating your green date, making the most of free data, keeping sight of key profit drivers and bull selection with John Bertram, MyForage, lifting productivity with leucaena, carbon case study: how Consolidated Pastoral Company is generating Australian Carbon Credit Units using the Beef Cattle Herd Methodology, fodder research yields big returns for small scale irrigation in northern WA, new weed app road testers wanted, and then some!
- September 2023: Strategies to reduce tick burdens with Dr Lee Taylor thanks to ParaBoss, the double whammy effect of dry season nutrition, rotational grazing gains on wet season Gamba grass growth in the NT, tackling staff retention through upskilling in WA, matching stocking rates to available forage and more!
- August 2023: Answering your question: does watered area impact calf loss? Northern grassfed carcass competition results, MLA’s updated phosphorus manual, Optiweighs deployed in northern WA, bottle teats at calving resolve a few weeks later (photo comparison), the perks of pregnancy testing with Jacqui Tickell, observations from the medicated water supplementation trial, and introducing, My Climate View.
- July 2023: Improved perceptions of live export, introducing Paddock Power: a new tool for infrastructure development appraisal, WA Shoo flies trial – did fly tags make a difference? the results are in!, helping your stock to thrive during the dry season, the importance of testing bull fertility, new NT project, as well as a few more terrific articles!
- June 2023: The impact of artificial shade on calf survival on the Barkly, frequently asked questions about dung sampling, free phosphorus deficiency testing for northern WA producers, pasture dieback field day recap, forage budgeting, supplementing with molasses, Clermont Cattlemen’s Challenge, Northern Beef Expo update, plus other great stories.
- May 2023: Gully remediation with Bob Shepherd, a recap of the Douglas Daly Research Farm field day (including growing cotton, establishing leucaena, grazing gamba, weight gains with fly tags, rotational grazing potential and selecting for fertility), preparing for the Northern Grassfed Carcass Competition, key messages from Breeding EDGE Kununurra, and then some!
- April 2023: Applications are being accepted for Producer Demonstration Sites, new online hub for grazing land management information, Easy P trial update, upcoming soil carbon webinar will shine the light on soil carbon realities, capturing the impact fly tags on reducing disease transmission in Western Australia, pasture dieback field day recaps and so much more.
- March 2023: Crossbred heifers outperform Brahmans in NT trial, using terciles to understand pasture and climate data, Advancing Beef Leaders applications are open, pasture dieback management podcast episode, volunteer panel members needed for new methane reducing biotech trial, coordinated fuel reduction strategies reduce occurrence of hot fires in WA, and so much more.
- February 2023: National beef herd predicted to reach record levels in 2023, strategies to boost fertility, rangeland management education for ringers, the information you need to start a carbon emissions account, NT DITT update and an enticing job opportunity in Western Australia.
- January 2023: Bottle teats immediately after birth leading cause of calf loss in NT herds, remote water monitoring system purchasing cheat sheet, ExoFlare People — Biosecurity risk assessment made easy, riparian fencing funding through the GRASS program case study, leucaena PDS project comes to an end.
Looking for an older edition of the FutureBeef eBulletin? Check out our archived eBulletins.