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Legume Establishment Part 1: Research results & management recommendations in Southern and Central Queensland – online
Date: | Tuesday 12 November 2024 |
Time: |
12:30pm-1:30pm AEST
Event category: | Past event |
Website: | https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2074553484521120604 |
Venue |
Join the DAF Sown Pastures Team for the first of a 2-part series on legume establishment across Southern, Central, and Northern Queensland. The first webinar focusses on establishing legumes into existing grass pastures in the Brigalow Belt of southern and central Queensland.
Legumes have been shown to significantly increase production and returns compared to grass only pastures, however successful adoption of legumes remains low in the Brigalow Belt. There are legume species and varieties that are suited to the Brigalow belt that are persistent and productive in the long-term. However, poor establishment is the most common reason for these legumes failing in commercial pastures.
The Brigalow Belt has a unique and challenging climate for establishing legumes into existing grass pastures because of rainfall patterns and evaporation rates. This webinar will describe the challenges of establishing legumes, research results on improving the reliability of establishing legumes and management recommendations for reliable legume establishment in the Brigalow Belt and elsewhere.
The DAF sown pastures team conducted six research trials in the Brigalow Belt to test a wide range of establishment techniques. These trials demonstrate that improved practices can dramatically improve the reliability of establishing legumes. Listen in to the webinar to learn about the impact of the following practices on legume establishment:
• Fallowing for moisture storage, controlling competition (from grass and weeds) and reducing soil seed banks.
• One-pass cultivation or herbicide treatments while sowing.
• Zero-tillage compared to cultivated seed-bed preparation.
• Broadcasting seed compared to drilling seed into the soil.
• Post-emergent herbicides.
Join Gavin Peck, DAF Principal Pasture Agronomist, as he presents these trial results and discusses best management practices for successful legume establishment in southern and central Queensland.