Westech field days — Barcaldine

Barcaldine Barcaldine, Qld, Australia

The Barcaldine Westech Field Days committee invites you to join them on Tuesday, 7 and Wednesday, 8 September 2021 to continue the tradition of providing an action packed…

RCS grazing clinic — Rockhampton

Leichhardt Hotel Corner Dawson and Yaldwyn Streets, Taroom, Qld, Australia

The RCS Grazing Clinic is a practical hands-on workshop that develops your skills as a grass manager. This power-packed two and a half-day clinic will give you the…


Pasture dieback management workshop — Nebo

Nebo Nebo, Qld, Australia

Join Department of Agriculture and Fisheries pasture dieback experts for the Pasture dieback management workshop at Nebo, 8 September. Discussion topics include: Update on pasture dieback research Identification…


Pasture dieback management workshop — Ingham

Ingham Ingham, Queensland

Join Department of Agriculture and Fisheries pasture dieback experts for the Pasture dieback management workshop at Ingham, 10 September. Discussion topics include: Update on pasture dieback research Identification…


Pasture dieback management workshop — Malanda

Malanda Malanda, Queensland, Australia

Join Department of Agriculture and Fisheries pasture dieback experts for the Pasture dieback management workshop at Malanda, 11 September. Discussion topics include: Update on pasture dieback research Identification…


Leucaena open day — Thangool

Glenlivet Cox-Millard Road, Thangool, Queensland, Australia

Join The Leucaena Network on Saturday, 11 September at Thangool for the Leucaena Open Day. Learn about the basics of leucaena establishment and management, including: Climate, soil, location,…


Forecast weather with greater accuracy — Webinar

Online webinar , Australia

Fitzroy Basin Association and University of Southern Queensland Climate Mate, Dr Chelsea Jarvis, invites you to: Forecast weather with greater accuracy webinars. Attend either the smoko session, or…


Upcoming wet season outlook review — Webinar

Southern Gulf NRM invites you to the Upcoming wet season outlook review — North West Queensland and Channel Country edition Hear from USQ Pastoral and Climate Scientist as…
