Business EDGE Port Hedland

Port Hedland Port Hedland, WA, Australia

Growing business skills and financial literacy Is your grazing business providing you with more than just a job? Grazing businesses require a lot of capital and labour. Is…

Legumes field day Theodore

Theodore Theodore, Qld, Australia

Date claimer For more information please contact Mick Sullivan on (07) 4923 6223 or email

Property mapping workshop Rockhampton

Date claimer Using Google Earth and Queensland Globe Learn how to create your own basic property map utilising free Google Earth mapping tools and access relevant and up…

Pasture forum Booubyjan

Booubyjan Hall 36 Booubyjan Hall Road, Booubyjan, Qld, Australia

Practical ways to improve pasture and cattle nutrition for better productivity and reduced greenhouse gas emissions Field walk to visit the ‘Native pasture treatment’ trial site after lunch.…

Business EDGE Fitzroy Crossing

Fitzroy Crossing Fitzroy Crossing, WA, Australia

Growing business skills and financial literacy Is your grazing business providing you with more than just a job? Grazing businesses require a lot of capital and labour. Is…

Pasture forum Monto

Monto Town Hall Newton Street, Monto, Qld, Australia

Practical ways to improve pasture and cattle nutrition for better productivity and reduced greenhouse gas emissions Good preparation is vital for successful establishment of improved pasture. What do…

Legumes field day Biloela

Biloela Biloela, Qld, Australia

For more information please contact Mick Sullivan on (07) 4923 6223 or email

Legumes field day Capella

Capella Capella, Qld, Australia

Date claimer For more information please contact Mick Sullivan on (07) 4923 6223 or email

Digital mapping workshop Miles

Dogwood crossing 81 Murilla Street, Miles, Qld, Australia

Computer mapping is one of the most effective property management tools – helping producers improve productivity and planning. Computer mapping can also be used as a tool for…

2016 Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium

Centre for Carbon Water and Food, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Sydney, Camden, Australia

Are you a student, researcher, producer or someone simply just interested in precision livestock management? Then the 2016 Spatially Enabled Livestock Management (SELM) symposium is for you! The…