Use of fire in grazed woodlands — Queensland
Key messages
- Some woody species respond differently to fire.
- A high fuel load is needed to impact suckers and reduce canopy cover. Stock may need to be removed several months prior to ensure fuel load is adequate.
- Without fire, woody species are likely to encroach, having a negative impact on long-term pasture production, and therefore, carrying capacity.
- Using fire to maintain vegetative balance is cheaper than mechanical removal or herbicide application.
Fire to maintain productivity in an adapted environment

Australia’s woodlands are by their very nature unstable. In the absence of disturbance, a woodland will tend to thicken. The trees will increase in size until either competition between trees limits their growth, or, some calamity such as drought, kills some of the trees. Old age is also a factor as older trees are often the first to die in a drought. Episodic wild fires, climate change, and subsequent burning by Aboriginal people, have also been implicated in the rise and dominance of fire-tolerant species in Australia.
Prior to European settlement, frequent and systematic burning by Aboriginal people maintained large areas as semi-open woodlands. This periodic burning achieved vegetative balance by keeping woody seedlings and suckers small enough to have minimal effect on pasture production.
Following white settlement, fire was still used to help keep grazed eucalypt country open and productive but the intensity, timing, frequency and scale of fires, differed from the Aboriginal regime.
In recent years burning has not been possible in many areas. The combined effects of poor summer rain, the introduction of Bos indicus cattle, and the use of dry season supplements, have resulted resulted in low fuel loads. Without regular burns the under-storey woody plants have been thickening up with a consequent loss of pasture production. Ultimately, this has had a negative affect on carrying capacity also.
Re-introduction of fire as a management strategy is essential for the long-term stability and productivity of grazed woodlands. Unfortunately, in many areas trees have grown above the height where fire will effectively control them.
Response to fire by woody species
The ‘TRAPS’ woodland measurement program, part of the MLA sponsored project ‘Understanding the dynamics of Queensland’s grazed woodlands’, showed that fire killed very few small, suppressed eucalypts but regularly checked their growth. Suppressed lignotuberous (a large underground ‘root’ that stores food for the plant) suckers can survive like this for more than 25 years. Other work in northern Australia’s savannahs has shown that most eucalypts taller than two metres are resistant to fire. Fire can be used to prevent woodland thickening in eucalypt woodlands and forests.
The MLA-funded project on the effect of fire on wattles at Wigton near Gayndah in the Burnett highlighted the differences in the response to fire between wattle species. A spring burn killed almost all the mature wattle plants at the site. One species, early flowering black wattle (Acacia leiocalyx) responded to being burnt by producing many root and butt suckers as well as some new seedlings. Another black wattle species, A. grandifolia, only regenerated from seed and apparently did not have the ability to root sucker. Subsequent fires over the next five years reduced the population of both species to about the original population but kept those plants so small they had little effect on pasture productivity.
Without these fires the wattle regrowth would have completely dominated the pasture. The reaction of these two wattle species to fire is indicative of the effect on most wattles and acacias. Fire will keep wattles in check but as a general rule will not eliminate them.
Currant bush, Burrum bush
In Central and North Queensland there has been an increase in the density of currant bush (Carissa ovata) and Burrum bush (C. lanceolata). The encroachment has occurred over vast areas of cleared and uncleared semi-arid eucalypt woodlands. This represents a severe constraint on the grazing animal and reduces the already low carrying capacity of these pastures.
In a study in the Mount Coolon area of Central Queensland, plots heavily infested with currant bush were fenced to manage grazing and allow fuel to accumulate. These plots were burnt either once, twice or three times with burns either one or two years apart. After burning many of the larger currant bush plants fragmented into several smaller plants. Few plants died, but the canopy cover of the currant bush was greatly reduced and allowed pasture grasses to re-colonise the areas formerly covered. No new currant bush seedlings were found.
Burning currant bush in spring is a viable option for controlling its canopy expansion. Usually, conditions at this time of year are hot and dry, causing some stress to the current bush, but there is a good chance of follow-up rain. This provides the greatest success by removing the above-ground portion of the plant at a time when pasture species will likely be able to respond to the reduction in canopy cover. A fire is required at least once every five years. For a good result, at least one year’s growth of grass needs to be available as fuel for the fire.
Fire as a management tool
If fire is to be used to maintain pastures in grazed woodlands and prevent woodland thickening, it is necessary to have a practical fire management strategy for the whole property.
In the semi-arid grazed woodlands of Central and North Queensland, it is necessary to burn at least once every 5-6 years. In South-East Queensland the fire interval may need to be less with a fire every 3-5 years. Missing one of these fires means tree seedlings and shrubs will grow above the height at which fire will be able to knock them down to ground level.
In order to guarantee a successful fire, sufficient fuel is required. The easiest way to achieve this is to take advantage of the better grass growth experienced in better seasons. Ensuring sufficient fuel in drier years is more difficult and requires a reduction in stocking rate.
Whilst many landholders are reluctant to reduce stocking rates in poor seasons, it is the best option. In the long run, reducing stocking rates allows annual rotational burning of all paddocks, helping guarantee a stable, productive and sustainable pasture. The cost of alternatives, such as chemical treatment or mechanical clearing, has increased significantly in recent years. In many situations the use of these alternatives has been restricted by legislation.
- Australia’s woodlands are not static and change over time with climate and fire.
- Fire is a preventative tool that checks the growth of woody species to maintain a grassy understorey.
- In the absence of fire, grazed woodlands will tend to thicken at the expense of pasture productivity. Consequently, the reduced ability to grow pasture, will have a negative impact on carrying capacity.
- The use of fire to manage woodland thickening needs to be compared with chemical or mechanical alternatives.
- As a management tool, the use of fire needs to be deliberate and planned. This often includes adjusting grazing management to ensure sufficient fuel for an effective burn.
Adapted from an article by Paul Back, a woodland ecologist and woody weeds specialist, formerly Queensland Government.
Further information
Use of fire in grazing country – Queensland →
Understanding the dynamics of Queensland’s grazed woodlands projects →