Rotational grazing



Dr Peter O’Reagain has been collecting data at the Wambiana Grazing Trial since 1997. The trial is located on Wambiana Station, south of Charters Towers, Queensland, and consists…

Key messages: Gamba grass is a declared weed and must be controlled. When tall and rank, Gamba has little value for grazing and is a fire hazard. Rotational…

Wet season spelling is when grazing pressure is removed from a pasture during the growing period. Ben Bennetto, north Queensland grazier, shares the benefits he has seen to…

There are numerous grazing strategies that producers can employ on their properties. Intensive rotational grazing is one option that has become more popular in recent years, but there…

Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

In this short case study Senior Extension Officer Megan Willis captures how DAF extension worked alongside Goscelyn and Denton Sullivan to create a custom designed recording template to…

Why consider wet season spelling? Beef cattle enterprises in north Queensland rely heavily on 3P (perennial, palatable and productive) native pastures for production. Continuous grazing over several years…

The Spelling strategies for recovery of pasture condition project aimed to develop reliable and cost-effective spelling options for producers. Reduced condition of pasture and soil, through decline in density…

The HRM and cell grazing: a review of the evidence base project examined comparisons of stocking methods including continuous grazing and intensive rotational methods described as Cell Grazing…