Stocking rates and pasture utilisation



There is a large variation in land types across northern Australia and each land type has a different grazing value and carrying capacity. Indicative stocking rates for each…

Understanding how to assess land condition is important for grazing land management. In this short video you will hear from DAF beef extension officers, Kate Brown, Megan Willis…

Dr Peter O’Reagain has been collecting data at the Wambiana Grazing Trial since 1997. The trial is located on Wambiana Station, south of Charters Towers, Queensland, and consists…

This booklet will give you insight into improving cow fertility while reducing cow and calf losses in the North. In mid 2021, Gulf Savannah NRM and Department of…

Matching stocking rates with available forage ensures animals always have sufficient feed. This minimises the impact of dry years and drought feeding costs. Most importantly, it prevents overgrazing…

We can all recognise properly flogged country … but what are those first signs that indicate pasture is being overgrazed? Dionne Walsh, Rangeland Scientist, formerly from Industry Northern Territory,…

The evolution of the Animal Equivalent (AE) system in Australia is progressing to a new approach in comparing animals of different weights, classes and species with a fit-for-purpose…

Quality Graze is a grazing strategies trial being run on the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s Old Man Plains Research Station (OMP), located to the south-west of…

With current restrictions on face-to-face gatherings due to COVID-19, the E-Beef Project has moved online to maintain momentum and engagement during these unprecedented times (as well as for…

The E-Beef online series involves four sessions over four weeks in June (2020), providing landholders, extension staff and industry stakeholders with key insights on new and emerging technologies…