What’s new

Report pasture dieback using our new App!

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has created an app that allows graziers to record pasture dieback from the paddock. Landholders are encouraged to keep an eye…

Land type maps of Queensland have been updated

 Grazing Land Management (GLM) Land types of Queensland have been revised, updated and improved to reflect user needs and latest available information. The current version (V4.0) of Land…

Fresh faces in WA’s DPIRD team

The team at FutureBeef would like to introduce the newest faces in Western Australia’s Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development: Annie, Sarah and Charlotte. Annie Bone –…

It’s here! The FutureBeef podcast!

The FutureBeef podcast explores issues and management strategies relevant to the north Australian beef industry through lively and informative conversation. FutureBeef is a collaboration between Meat & Livestock…