Fodder trees for scrub feeding

Successful scrub feeding is not limited to the more palatable and nutritious species, especially during dry periods. Scrub with a higher fibre content, and lower nutritive value, can be used (Table 1). Feeding urea fortified molasses has broadened the range of trees that can be used for drought feeding.

The palatability of any one species may vary from year to year and even paddock to paddock. An assessment can be made only by offering a particular scrub to livestock and observing their response in terms of palatability, feed intake and live weight change.

Points to note when scrub feeding

  • Cut only one species at a time.
  • Provide sufficient leafy material to minimise the eating of twigs and branches.
  • Follow a set feeding routine. It is common to cut two to three days supply, but daily cutting may be necessary in summer to avoid leaves withering.
  • While stock are strong, cut the scrub most distant from water, then cut closer scrub.
  • If acceptance is poor, spraying with a molasses-water mixture may increase intake, but some trees in every stand of scrub are unpalatable. Generally, older mulga trees are preferred to young ones.
  • Pulling with a chain or bulldozing can reduce acceptance because of high dust levels.
  • Consider the long-term environmental effects of pulling scrub. Leave strips of trees for regeneration and wildlife protection.

Predisposing factors contributing to gastric impaction

  • Cutting too little scrub, thus forcing cattle to eat twigs and branches.
  • Scrub drying out, either through cutting excessive amounts or leaves wilting.
  • Stock not drinking enough water.

Feed supplements

Research at Charleville Pastoral Laboratory demonstrated that supplements providing protein nitrogen (cottonseed meal), non protein nitrogen (urea), sulphur (sulphate of ammonia) and phosphorus (dicalcium phosphate) can be very beneficial to animals consuming fodder trees. These additional nutrients stimulate the rumen and increase feed intakes.

Providing molasses supplements on an irregular basis assists the passage of fibre.

Supplements for scrub feeding →


The capacity for regrowth depends largely upon the kind of trees, seasonal conditions and the method of cutting. Trees such as mulga normally do not grow again if they are cut low or pushed with bulldozers.

Wilga, vine tree, boonaree and kurrajong usually produce vigorous new branches if branches are cut off high enough so that animals cannot chew the young growing shoots.


Experience has shown that the most reliable regrowth from mulga takes place if the whole of the crown of the tree is taken out above the reach of the stock leaving the thin lateral branches below the sloping branches (leaders) intact. If mulga is scarce and individual trees need to be conserved, this is the wisest way to handle it.

Regrowth will occur if the centre is broken out with a front end loader provided some horizontal side branches (laterals) are left below the break.

In more recent years the more common method of felling mulga for stock has been the use of bulldozers, either by a single bulldozer or two bulldozers joined by a cable. Regeneration of mulga from seedlings following pulling is known to occur more rapidly if sheep are excluded from pulled areas.


Using chainsaws, one man full-time can feed about 300 adult cattle per day. This estimate is for mulga and assumes that feeding conditions are excellent and a spare chainsaw and parts are readily available.

Of course, if the scrub is being used as a supplement to dry pasture, labour requirements are lower.

After the drought

Heavy stock losses can occur when weak cattle ‘chase the green pick’ following drought breaking rain. If possible, confine weak cattle and continue to feed scrub until sufficient grass has grown for them to get their fill without expending valuable energy.

Table 1. Feeding information on common fodder trees (A+ highest value)

Common namePalatabilityNutritive valueComments
Apple treeAAWell eaten in some seasons
Athel treeAAWell eaten — short supply
BauhiniaBADeciduous — of little value late winter and spring
BeefwoodBCLeaves eaten by sheep
BelahCCEaten readily, twigs can be a problem
BendeeBBNot particularly palatable but often fed . Can be poisonous at certain stages
Bonaree, Dogwood or RosewoodAACan cause prussic acid poisoning particularly at flowering or young growth stages
BoreeABEaten readily by sheep. Very fibrous
Bottle tree leavesA+A+Some trees appear to be toxic to hungry cattle
Bottle tree pithBC
Brigalow (15cm or less)BAMay eat young suckers as last resort
Budda sandalwoodDCNot readily eaten. Said to reduce impaction if fed with more fibrous scrub.
BulloakDDIs eaten fairly readily, although very fibrous.
Bumble treeAAExvellent fodder — short supply.
CoolibahBCLeaves of young trees eaten when half dry. Adult trees have been fed with urea/molasses.
Currant bushCBNot readily eaten
Green wattleXXNot touched by cattle
IronbarkBCEaten fairly readily when supplemented with urea fortified molasses.
KurrajongA+AHas a laxative effect. Very palatable and one of the best to feed.
LeopardwoodAAWell eaten — short supply
LimebushCBYoung plants are unpalatable
Mimosa bushBAGrazed by sheep
MulgaABWell eaten and a plentiful supply in south-west Queensland. Dense stands make easy pushing and cutting.
MyallABWell eaten
Myrtle treeBBReadily eaten by sheep and cattle
Old man saltbushA+A+Self harvested
Plumwood or true sandalwoodA+A+Short supply
Popla boxCCEaten if nothing else
Vinetree or supplejackA+A+Excellent fodder — short supply
WilgaAAGood fodder — palatability varies widely from year to year
Scrub wilga (Turpentine wilga), (Lavender bush)XXUntouched even in drought
Weeping willowAAPlanted in damp areas. Winter deciduous. Eaten readily.
WhitewoodAAFruits poisonous but avoided by livestock
YapunyahCCLeaves are eaten to some extent

Further information


Dry season management of a beef business – a guide to planning, managing and supplementary feeding booklet → 

Some native Australian fodder plants (Australian Bureau of Statistics) →

Nutrition →

Protein and urea →

Energy supplements, including molasses supplementation →

Minerals and vitamins, including phosphorus →