Management strategies and policies to assist north Australian beef enterprises adapt to climate change

The Management strategies and policies to assist north Australian beef enterprises adapt to climate change project aimed to assist the northern beef industry to prepare for climate change by providing a cross-regional analysis of vulnerability to climate change and ways of enhancing adaptive capacity.


ABARES conducted a series of workshops with livestock producers to provide information that may assist in the re-development of the Rainfall to Pasture Growth Outlook Tool (RPGOT). The RPGOT is a decision support tool that delivers online access to current and forecast pasture growth information for more than 3300 locations across southern Australia. The information gathered for this report was provided by producers as well as public sector and private advisors and consultants, representing a variety of livestock industry sectors across four climatic zones.
The general consensus emerging from the workshops was that a freely available support tool that provides pasture growth information through a simple and intuitive platform would be a useful addition to existing sources of information that are available to support decision making in the livestock production sector. A list of improvements and additions to the current tool and their technical and financial feasibility is provided in this report.

When: 2009 to 2012

Contact: Chris Stokes, Nadine Marshall & Neil Macleod

Collaborator: CSIRO

More information

For more information, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.NBP.0617) (PDF, 1.9 MB) from the Meat & Livestock Australia website.