Options for addressing protein under-nutrition in Northern Australian cattle

The Options for addressing protein under-nutrition in Northern Australian cattle project investigated the issue of under-nutrition in the northern Australian beef cattle industry.


This project was established to build the capacity to conduct research relevant to the northern Australian beef cattle industry. The project supported the appointment of Dr Simon Quigley as a Senior Research Officer at The University of Queensland to undergo training in ruminant nutrition research relevant to the northern Australian beef cattle production systems. Over the five year term of the project Simon Quigley has been involved in five additional MLA funded projects and six ACIAR funded projects, some of which are ongoing.

The range of research undertaken includes experiments examining the response of various classes of livestock to diets or management practices within northern Australian and south-east Asian beef cattle production systems, on-farm monitoring of cattle production systems in south-east Asian countries and increasing the understanding of the underlying biology behind animal responses to various nutritional challenges, specifically gene expression studies, across a range of ruminant nutrition models.

When: 1 August 2008 to 18 December 2013

Contact: Dennis Poppi and Simon Quigley

Collaborator: University of Queensland

More information

For more details, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.BSC.0071) (PDF, 409KB) from Meat & Livestock Australia.