


The Cattle heat load toolbox upgrade project added new features to the web based Cattle Heat Load Toolbox (CHLT) which alerts feedlot operators of impending adverse weather conditions…

The project Assessing cattle motivation for access to pasture or feedlot environments investigated cattle perception of the feedlot environment by assessing motivation to access either a feedlot or…

The Environmental performance review of Australian feedlots project conducted an environmental performance review of the feedlot sector and, where possible, compared results to previous work. Summary MLA has previously…

This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet details what Bovine Respiratory Disease is and how it can be prevented and controlled to increase feedlot productivity and animal welfare (PDF, 343KB).

This Meat & Livestock Australia factsheet outlines the benefits of using molasses for feed, including the competitive cost, its composition and using surfactants to reduce viscosity.

This factsheet outlines some high-energy alternatives which will allow feedlot operators to lower the cost of rations, while maintaining feed quality. Download a copy of High-energy feed alternatives…

This book contains a series of six Tips & Tools designed to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding, recognising and managing heat load in feedlot cattle. Download a…

The ‘Myco-insecticide for nuisance fly control in cattle feedlots’ project will improve and evaluate Metarhizium based myco-insecticide with a view to developing a commercial product for use in cattle feedlots.

Four distinct factors impact feedlot profitability: buying price of store cattle selling price of finished cattle cost of the diet cattle performance, as influenced by management. Each factor…

Feed processing usually means altering the physical (and sometimes chemical) nature of feed commodities to optimise utilisation by animals and to enhance mixing and stability of the diet.…