


A technical guide to options for optimising land condition, animal production and profitability. Authors: Dionne Walsh and Robyn A. Cowley, Department of Primary Industry and Resources, 2014. Download…

A technical guide to options for optimising land condition, animal production and profitability. Authors: Dionne Walsh, Alison Kain and Robyn A. Cowley, Department of Primary Industry and Resources, 2014.…

This technical guide is designed to help inform and improve grazing management in the Maranoa Balonne. It focuses on four major themes: managing stocking rate, spelling pasture, burning and developing the property…

Managing a beef business in the subtropics provides information and tools to help you develop the skills to produce an environmentally friendly, market driven beef product. It covers…

This book describes how experienced graziers manage for profitability and sustainability. Critical issues include their choice of livestock, stocking rates, grazing and husbandry practices, improvement of native pastures,…

The Wambiana grazing trial started in 1997 and continues today to test and develop sustainable and profitable strategies to manage for rainfall variability in extensive grazing lands.

Find out your options to increase nitrogen inputs in your sown pastures, specifically applying nitrogen fertiliser or adding a legume.

Grazing land management resources on this page: Signs of overgrazing Using fire as a management tool Wet season spelling 101: who, what, why, where, when and how 16…

A range of environmental management resources for beef cattle producers and land managers in northern Australia.