


The Understanding producers’ change to more sustainable grazing practices in the tropical savanna rangelands of North Queensland project sought to understand factors and processes that influence beef producers’…

The $avannaPlan project sought to engage more of the Northern Gulf beef industry in the $avannaPlan program to help beef producers run profitable and sustainable enterprises. Summary $avannaPlan…

The Northern Grazing Systems projects investigated grazing management in the presence of climate change, exploring issues like stocking rates, grazing distribution, infrastructure development, wet season spelling and the…

A summary of the key findings and principles from the Wambiana trial covering 13 years (1997 to 2011), including some key learnings and management guidelines for grazing in a variable climate.

A description of trends in the beef industry in the Monsoonal North that aims to provide the region’s natural resource management groups with an understanding of how best to: support the industry, undertake the changes required to improve its environmental sustainability and economic viability, and to provide it with resilience in the face of increasing development pressures and climate change.

This manual is intended to cater for producers who are new to the region and want to understand the basics of operating in the Top End environment and…

This manual is intended to cater for producers who are new to the region and want to understand the basics of operating in the Top End environment and…

This manual is intended to cater for producers who are new to the region and want to understand the basics of operating in the Katherine environment and production…

Download a copy of The grazing of cattle in the northern pastoral areas of Western Australia: best management practice guidelines (PDF, 375 KB) from the Department of Primary…

A technical guide to options for optimising land condition, animal production and profitability. Authors: Dionne Walsh and Robyn A. Cowley, Department of Primary Industry and Resources, 2014. Download…