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The A marginal abatement cost analysis of practice options related to the NLMP program project compared expected greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and financial returns for practice options examined…
The Leucaena – the case for developing a sterile variety project evaluated the technical feasibility of developing sterile leucaena using two contrasting methodologies: genetic modification and hybrid breeding…
The Increasing productivity and reducing methane emissions by supplementing feed with dietary lipids project investigated the impact of lipid containing feed additives on the suppression of methane emissions…
The Improving grazing management practices to enhance ground cover and reduce sediment loads project investigated the relationship between grazing management practices, vegetation cover and water quality on grazing properties in…
The Impacts of leucaena plantations on greenhouse gas emissions in northern Australian cattle production systems project was conducted with steers grazing established leucaena or grass pastures to determine…
The A genomic strategy to identify archaeal viruses in the rumen project used sequence analysis to investigate viral populations in bovine rumen fluid. Summary Phage therapy is becoming…
The Evaluation and optimization of greenfeed emission monitoring units for livestock project aimed to validate the accuracy of daily enteric methane production (DMP) estimation by GreenFeed Emission Monitoring…
The Environmental performance review of Australian feedlots project conducted an environmental performance review of the feedlot sector and, where possible, compared results to previous work. Summary MLA has previously…
The Efficient Livestock and Low Emissions (ELLE) from southern grazing systems project addressed the reducing methane emissions priority to identify a wider range of farming practices by which…
The Development of the National Livestock Methane Database project aimed to provide a single, searchable, publicly accessible repository for information generated in the Reducing Emissions from Livestock Research…