Demonstrating recovery of pasture productivity: Mulga Lands – Bollon

The Demonstrating recovery of pasture productivity: Mulga Lands – Bollon project used four producer demonstration sites on three commercial properties to demonstrate recovery of pasture productivity, through pasture renovation and tactical spelling of pastures, in the Bollon district of South West Queensland.


Four producer demonstration sites were established on three commercial properties in the Bollon district of South West Queensland. These sites demonstrated the recovery of pasture productivity through incorporation of sown pastures where land was severely degraded and tactical resting (spelling) of existing pastures in poor condition. Sites were selected and prepared using various mechanical processes and pastures sown during 2008. Sites were monitored at the end of each growing season and grazed occasionally through 2009 and 2010. Tactically spelled paddocks were also established in 2008, with the objective of spelling pastures in the early phases of growth after sufficient rainfall (30+mm) in spring or summer to stimulate effective pasture growth.

The sown pasture paddocks demonstrated some alternative and companion grasses and legumes for the climate and soils of the Bollon region. Summer spelling of pastures improved land condition on all properties irrespective of pasture type or starting land condition. While the sown pasture paddocks are yet to recover fully, land condition has improved, pasture species composition has improved and suitable pasture species options were identified, that over time will result in greatly improved land condition. This Producer Demonstration Site project has demonstrated management options for recovery of land condition, particularly after a number of dry seasons.

When: 2008-2010

Contact: Jane Pryor and Col Paton (formerly Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)

Collaborator: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

More information

For more information, please read the final report summary and download the final report (B.NBP.0490) (PDF, 1.6 MB) from the Meat and Livestock Australia website.