


The ‘Simultaneous genetic improvement of maternal productivity, feed efficiency and end-product traits in variable environments’ project took repeated body measurements of approximately 8,000 heifers and cows to quantify genetic variation across seasons and years with a view to improving maternal productivity, feed efficiency and end-product.

‘Selection of novel tick antigens using vaccination-challenge studies in cattle’ investigated the biology of resistant versus susceptible genotypes to improve tick resistance of cattle.

The ‘Polled gene marker refinement: refinement of the CSAFG29 microsatellite marker test for polled’ project built on the findings of previous MLA research to improve polled gene marker tests in the hope that these developments will lead to the phasing out of de-horning.

The ‘Plasma anti-mullerian hormone (AMH): determining the value as a phenotypic and genetic marker for reproductive rate’ project modelled the potential value of plasma AMH as a phenotypic and genetic marker for reproductive rate in sheep and beef cattle.

The GonaCon™ trial in bull calves investigated the efficacy of the immunocontraceptive vaccine GonaCon to: (1) induce antibodies against the key reproductive hormone gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) in bull calves, and (2) suppress testicular growth longer-term.

The ‘Northern Australian beef fertility (CashCow)’ project investigated the reproductive performance of beef breeders across northern Australia.

The National beef genetics extension strategy aimed to increase the understanding and ability of beef cattle breeders to use knowledge and tools to cost effectively increase the rate of…

The Metagenomic approaches for understanding the functional metabolic potential of methanogen communities in ruminant livestock project investigated the genomes and gene expression profiles of rumen methanogens from Australian…

The Male indicator traits to improve female reproductive performance project aimed to identify early life predictors of bull reproductive performance and improve efficiency of sire selection. The final report…