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Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Mulga Lands, including: alluvial; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum; Mitchell grass; mulga; silver-leaved ironbark, and; spinifex desert uplands.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Mitchell Grass Downs, including: alluvial; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; Mitchell grass; Mulga, and; spinifex desert uplands.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in Central Queensland Coast, including alluvial, basalt, black speargrass, eucalpyt woodlands, Indian couch, narrow-leaved ironbark and silver-leaved ironbark.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Channel Country: alluvial; downs country; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum; Mitchell grass; mulga; spinifex desert uplands.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Brigalow Belt, including: black speargrass, buffel grass, downs country, narrow-leaved iron bark, etc.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Desert Uplands, including: alluvial; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; eucalyptus box; Indian couch; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum, etc.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Einsleigh Uplands and Wet Tropics region of Queensland, including: alluvial; basalt; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; etc.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in the Gulf Plains, including: alluvial; basalt; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; buffel grass; buffel regrowth; downs country; eucalypt woodlands; eucalyptus box and stylo; eucalyptus box; Indian couch; lancewood, bendee, rosewood and spotted gum; etc.
Photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for pasture communities in Cape York Peninsula: alluvial; black speargrass; bluegrass, wiregrass; eucalypt woodlands.
Real examples of northern-type breeders with different body condition scores. Photographs and descriptions of body condition scores 1 to 5.