Queensland’s New Drought Programs
New drought assistance is available for Queensland primary producers. This new drought assistance package is the biggest reform to drought assistance in generations.
In this webinar recording, join staff from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS), Rural Solutions Queensland (RSQ) and the Queensland Rural Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) when they discuss how the new drought assistance (including training, grants and loans), that are designed to support Queensland producers improve their drought preparedness and business risk management.
During this webinar recording the team discusses:
1. What the new drought assistance is and what it means for existing assistance measures such as the Drought Relief Assistance Scheme (DRAS)
2. The Farm Business Resilience Program: such as workshops and support available to help primary producers to identify areas for improving their business resilience, drought preparedness, and create a Farm Business Resilience plan
3. What a Farm Business Resilience Plan is and the benefits of having a plan
4. How eligible producers will no longer need a drought declaration to access drought preparedness assistance as it will be available at any time – depending on available funding
5. How primary producers can access the financial assistance available.
For Queensland graziers, by watching this webinar recording you will gain a better understanding of Queensland’s new drought assistance and how it can help you enhance your business preparedness to drought.
You can watch the full recording or use the playlist below to jump to the start of a particular section within the presentation (36:23; published 12 September 2022 by FutureBeefAu).
Download a copy of the presentations:
- New Queensland Drought Program (PDF; 1.18 MB)
- Farm Business Resilience Program (PDF; 1.81 MB)
- QRIDA drought support (PDF; 1.47 MB)
Additional resources:
Drought Assistance Program and Farm Business Resilience Planning (Queensland Government)
• 2 min video explaining what is a farm business resilience plan
• Farm Business Resilience Plan template available
• 16 min tutorial video steps through each section of the Farm Business Resilience Plan
• Industry checklists available
QRIDA Drought Preparedness Grants (Queensland Government)
• Drought preparedness grant application form
• Drought preparedness grants guidelines
• Schedule of accounts form
• Statement of position (assets & liabilities) form
Contact your local DAF Beef Extension Officer
Contact your local Rural Financial Counselling Service – North Queensland graziers
Contact your local Rural Solutions Queensland Officer – Southern Queensland graziers
Contact your local QRIDA Regional Area Manager
Full recording
- New Queensland drought programs – Background (Vern Rudwick – DAF Director of Drought Policy and Response)
- Queensland Drought Reform and the range of assistance available
- A step-by-step guide on how you can access assistance
- Farm Business Resilience Plan – how to get a plan?
- Farm Business Resilience Program
- [Video]: What is a Farm Business Resilience Plan and why do I need one?
- Undertaking Farm Business Resilience Program activities (The GrazingFutures Approach with Dave Smith – DAF Senior Beef Extension Officer)
- GrazingFutures – Livestock Business Resilience project
- What GrazingFutures can do for you in supporting your business!
- Outline of how Rural Financial Counsellors or Rural Solutions Queensland can help you (Lynette McGuffie -Rural Financial Counselling Service NQ)
- A Farm Business Resilience Plan provides your business with a blueprint for future success
- The GrazingFutures team – an extensive network of industry specialists working together…
- Some of the tools available to use to tailor to your specific needs
- Where do I start? (for northern Queensland graziers)
- Rural Solutions Queensland (Craig Turner – Livestock Business Lead Southern Queensland)
- Farm Business Resilience Planning (for southern Queensland graziers)
- QRIDA – an introduction (Sheree Finney – QRIDA Manager Natural Disasters and Drought)
- Who is QRIDA?
- Farm Management Grants
- Farm Management Grants – Eligibility
- Drought Preparedness Grants
- Drought Preparedness Grants – Eligibility
- Drought Assistance Loans
- QRIDA – here to help you