Restock, replant and repair – what’s next in North Queensland’s flood recovery assistance?

Following the devastating North Queensland floods, many directly impacted graziers took advantage of the $75 000 Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants to assist with the costs of immediate clean-up and reinstatement activities.

Over 1100 grant applications from primary producers, mostly North West graziers,  have been approved worth over $66 million.

However, further financial assistance is available now to help graziers continue their recovery and get their businesses back on track. This additional assistance includes the $400 000 North Queensland Restocking, Replanting and On-farm Infrastructure grant. This co-contribution grant, administered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) on behalf of the Australian Government, can be matched with your own resources or funding from low interest Disaster Assistance Loans at 1.37 per cent or other finance sources.

This presentation discusses the flood disaster recovery assistance available now and how to take that next step in rebuilding your primary production business.

You can watch the full recording or use the playlist below to jump to the start of a particular section within the presentation.  25:47 published 27 June 2019 by FutureBeefAu.