Stocktake4Reef e-learning package

The Stocktake4Reef e-learning package adapted the Stocktake4Reef workshop into an interactive e-learning package with a view to increasing participation and access. It also integrated other eTechnologies including webinars, apps and videos.

Stocktake4Reef training was a key element of the Australian Government’s Reef Plan commitments. A Stocktake4Reef workshop helped producers understand their land condition, gain Stocktake pasture monitoring skills and use a software tool to assist in making grazing land management decisions.

The face-to-face delivery format limited the number of producers who could receive training. Development of Stocktake4Reef into an interactive e-learning package modernised the delivery and allowed more producers to participate and access the information. It also integrated with other existing eTechnologies in use and under development, including webinars, apps and videos. It was a very exciting opportunity to explore blended training options and e-learning strategies!

The project aimed to prepare, develop and pilot an e-learning package to meet the objectives of the Stocktake4Reef Workshop, and outputs included:

  • a case study following the National Broadband Network (NBN) template
  • a ‘Developing an e-learning module checklist for extension officers and trainers’ document’
  • an NBN-ready, Stocktake4Reef e-learning module; with a low resolution version for use on the existing broadband and satellite networks until the NBN rolled out in more rural and remote areas
  • media releases to promote the project and partnership between the Queensland Government and Global Vision Media (GV Media) Pty Ltd.

For more details, please refer to the NBN E-Learning project report (PDF, 1.21 MB).

When: 9 February 2012 to 15 June 2012

Contact: Jane Pryor

Collaborator: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries