Phase two of the Queensland Government’s Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program is now underway. The program will support at least 420 graziers in the Burdekin, Fitzroy…
Secure your spot now for the Regional Integrated Science Forum Come along to hear how we are protecting the reef whilst increasing productivity on the land, waterways and…
Indian couch grass continues to expand its range in the Burdekin, Fitzroy and Burnett-Mary catchments. The increase in Indian couch could be symptomatic of land condition decline and…
When Justin and Bronwyn Tait of ‘Palmtree’, Canal Creek, heard about the Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program, they jumped at the chance to be involved. They…
By understanding how grasses grow and what grass species dominate your pastures you can make better grazing management decisions. In this webinar Jill Alexander, Applied Ag, will step…