Genetic improvement: Projects



The BreedNorth WA project is well underway in the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia. It is a WA state government funded initiative, with oversight from the…

The female reproduction Phenobank project was undertaken to collect datasets to build a reference population to facilitate genomic selection in northern Australian cattle. A large reference population is…

The ‘Wagyu genetics collaboration research project’ investigated performance, pedigree and genotype data to establish the concept that genotyping can be a useful tool for the Wagyu breeder and producer—both in use in selection, and for use in sorting animals for production.

The ‘Using muscling selection line cows to inform maternal productivity modelling’ project studied the effect, in an Angus cow herd, of selection for divergent muscling on the maternal productivity of the cow herd under two levels of nutrition.

The ‘Simultaneous genetic improvement of maternal productivity, feed efficiency and end-product traits in variable environments’ project took repeated body measurements of approximately 8,000 heifers and cows to quantify genetic variation across seasons and years with a view to improving maternal productivity, feed efficiency and end-product.

The National beef genetics extension strategy aimed to increase the understanding and ability of beef cattle breeders to use knowledge and tools to cost effectively increase the rate of…

The Male indicator traits to improve female reproductive performance project aimed to identify early life predictors of bull reproductive performance and improve efficiency of sire selection. The final report…

The Genetic technologies to reduce methane emissions from Australian beef cattle project delivered tools and knowledge to assist producers to breed productive, lower emissions cattle, using validated methodologies that…

A genetic approach to internal parasite control in Australian cattle examined the heritability of resistance to internal parasites in cattle and developed preliminary estimated breeding values (EBVs). For…

The Epigenetics in the red meat industry project looked at epigenetics and its potential application in cattle and sheep industries in Australia. For more information please read the final report summary and…