Did you know? Legumes can provide high quality feed in the dry season when native pastures decline Well managed pastures can last 30 years Good pasture management will…
Introduced pasture species have an important role in the Katherine region as special purpose pastures within a predominantly native pasture grazing system. This Agnote outlines some of the more common uses of these species.
Pasture establishment covers: cultivar selection, planting material, seed quality, seeding or planting rate, time of sowing, controlling competing vegetation, ground preparation, seed treatment, planting methods, managing new pastures, and what to avoid.
Producer case studies of managing flood damaged buffel pastures from ‘Mellaluka’, ‘Lignum’ and ‘Alinya’ on the Belyando River, Queensland.
Sown pastures can offer flexibility in your beef enterprise and can provide solutions for land degradation problems but you need to carefully consider the benefits and be aware…
Adequately fertilised and well-managed sown pastures have the potential to at least double animal weight gains per head and stocking rates per hectare, compared to run-down naturalised and…