Weeds and Trees: Projects



The Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) has offered free, on-station, Rangeland Management Courses for over 20 years. The aim of these courses is to…

Key messages: Gamba grass is a declared weed and must be controlled. When tall and rank, Gamba has little value for grazing and is a fire hazard. Rotational…

This project aims to quantify the productivity and ecosystems services of silvopastoral systems (SPS), a dual management of livestock and trees as a pathway to became carbon neutral…

Rapid, widespread dominance of exotic, stoloniferous, perennial grass Indian couch (Bothriochloa pertusa) is occurring in Queensland pastures, with reports also for the Northern Territory. This transformation is not…

Northern Western Australia is a vast region widely recognised for its spectacular landscapes and unique ecosystems with high environmental, economic, social and cultural values. The WA rangelands are…

The Distribution, invasiveness, biology and control of rubber bush (Calotropis procera) in northern Australia project aimed to understand the biology and impacts of rubber bush and contributed to…

The Biological control of bellyache bush: Native range surveys in South America project investigated potential biological control agents for bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia) in Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.…

The project, Preliminary investigation of prickly acacia dieback, investigated naturally occurring Indian biocontrols to combat prickly acacia which currently infests large tracts of western Queensland grasslands. Summary Prickly…

The project New detection and classification algorithms for mapping woody weeds from UAV data followed on from the project UAV surveillance systems for the management of woody weeds…

The project New biocontrol opportunities for prickly acacia: exploration in India researched natural agents controlling prickly acacia in India. Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica ssp. indica) is a major…