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Victoria River Research Station – Kidman Springs Field Day

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Start: Wednesday 15 August 2018 @ 9:30am
End: Thursday 16 August 2018 @ 12:00pm
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Venue Victoria River Research Station
Buchannan Highway
Victoria River District, NT Australia

The Biennial Victoria River Research Station Field Day will be held to enable local producers to hear about current research results and the future key focus areas.

The day will centre around the key findings from current projects in phosphorus nutrition, cull cow feeding cost/benefit, genetic selection/technologies, calf loss, pasture and burning strategies for large scale grazing enterprises and novel options including self herding cattle grazing management and donkey production.

For more information please contact Whitney Dollemore – Katherine Research Station on (08) 8973 9749 and whitney.dollemore@nt.gov.au or Spud Thomas – Kidman Springs Station on (08) 8975 0762 and spud.thomas@nt.gov.au

Download a copy of theĀ VRRS Field Day and BeefUp Forum Program (PDF, 364KB).