GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience — Webinar recordings

The GrazingFutures Livestock Business Resilience project has hosted many webinars over the years covering everything from early weaning to understanding weather forecasts.

Better forecasts, better production – May 2020

Many producers are surprised to learn that they have been reading the weather forecast incorrectly. It can lead to misinterpretation, confusion, and disappointment when you do not receive the rain you thought you were forecasted to get. Being able to forecast correctly will allow you to prepare your production system better for the season to come. Better forecasting leads to better preparation and improved production.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries GrazingFutures team, together with Dr. Chelsea Jarvis from the Northern Australia Climate Program (NACP) have produced a practical and informative south west Queensland climate focused webinar. This webinar provides information and examples for Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie, Bulloo and Maranoa Shire regions.

To find out more about the Better forecast better production webinar including the feedback received, click here.

Making sense of early weaning — January 2020

Weaning is one of the most effective management tools available to manage your breeder’s body condition. Removing the need to produce milk for a calf in the early dry season is equivalent to providing the breeder with a supplement of up to 2 kg of grain or 3 kg of fortified molasses every day.

Early weaning, when done effectively, can result in better overall breeder condition, higher conception rates and lower costs of breeder supplementary feeding. Early weaning is practiced most commonly in drought affected areas and refers to the weight (age) of the calf and not to the time of muster.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries GrazingFutures team, together with Désirée Jackson, have produced a practical and informative early weaning presentation.

Find out more, here.

Ongoing drought management decisions

There has been relieving rain for some, flooding rain for others and no rain for many more!

In this presentation, join GrazingFutures and Ian McLean (Bush Agribusiness) who will equip you with some of the key tips for making good decisions for your business in the variable western Queensland climate.

Find out more, here.

2017 summer rainfall outlook with Roger Stone

In this webinar Professor Roger Stone (USQ) discusses the outlook for the upcoming 2017 wet season for the Queensland Central West in particular, and the factors affecting the general predictions and outlooks across Queensland.

More information

← GrazingFutures LBR program summary

← GrazingFutures LBR projects

← GrazingFutures LBR event summaries

← GrazingFutures LBR narratives and collaborations

← GrazingFutures LBR case studies of on-property change