Preparation for transport and setting cattle up for optimum performance and health

Transporting and handling livestock is a specialist task and one which the whole supply chain relies on to be performed safely, efficiently, and professionally to protect our animals, staff and stakeholders. The transport industry recognises that the livestock industry needs to work in a collaborative manner to ensure cattle are set up for the next person in the supply chain, and in doing so there is a need to understand what the next destination requires of those animals and prepare them appropriately.

So, carting livestock from A to B sounds simple, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and that’s why the transport hub has been developed by industry for industry.  Safe, efficient and humane livestock transport improves outcomes for livestock, boosts profits for the supply chain and facilitates industry sustainability.

In this BeefConnect webinar recording, listen to Rick Young (NAPCO’s Supply Chain Manager) as he discusses and outlines the importance, and dollar value attached to good animal handling and preparation for transport while also being proactive in our future strategic planning.

You can watch the full recording or use the playlist below to jump to the start of a particular section within the presentation. (35:22; published 16 May 2024 by FutureBeefAu).

Download a copy of the presentation: Transport Hub_Setting cattle up for optimum performance and health (PDF; 3.47 MB)

Additional resources:

Full recording


  1. Preparation for transport – Setting cattle up for optimum performance & health
  2. Why are we here?
  3. Why worry about cattle handling?
  4. Three components (to the supply chain)
  5. The supply chain – an example
  6. Importance of setting cattle up (recipe for success)
  7. Three significant effects of handling
  8. Critical points of performance
  9. Cattle eating behaviour
  10. Bouncing (erratic eating behaviour)
  11. Cattle eating patterns
  12. Feeding hay
  13. Feeding hay bales – space requirement
  14. Amount of hay for a 100kg weaner to gain 0.5 kg/day
  15. Accuracy and consistency (when feeding cattle)
  16. Water availability and quality
  17. It’s the small things that matter and their performance effects
  18. Beef CRC trial (comparing stock handling methods) and the results
  19. Health and performance (of cattle) at the destination
  20. Leaky gut (intestinal permeability)
  21. Performance after handling can cause significant effects
  22. Long trip cattle with no spell (non-eaters)
  23. Stressed cattle (and eating performance)
  24. Effect of growth rate in first dry season on feedlot gain
  25. Dark cutting (and its impacts)
  26. Efficient handling of stock and the take home messages