Diseases and vaccination



Prevention is better than a cure. Especially when it comes to the productivity and profitability of your beef breeding enterprise. Pestivirus, also known as bovine viral diarrhoea virus…

Disease management can easily be overlooked within a beef cattle enterprise. Especially in breeder herds, often bulls are the first to get the blame when producers see a…

It wasn’t even smoko time, and already the Wrights were worried. One June morning, the Wrights of Mt Spencer Station, 60 kilometres south-west of Mackay, yarded 570 shiny…

Introduction Tail rot is a condition frequently observed in cattle in northern Australia where part of the tail rots away, resulting in a shorter ‘stubby’ tail. While the…

Recent outbreaks of anthrax disease around Dirranbandi (Queensland) has brought local producers up to speed on what to look for, but a recent research publication ‘Redefining the Australian…

The Priority list of endemic diseases for the red meat industries project provides a systematic review of the most economically damaging endemic diseases and conditions for the Australian…

Barbervax, a vaccine for Barber’s Pole Worm, has recently been registered for use in Australian sheep. The Barbervax, a vaccine for Haemonchus contortus infection of sheep: attempts to extend…

The Systematic literature review: Association between soil and clinical expression of Johne’s disease project investigated the association between soil type and the occurrence of Johne’s Disease in sheep…

The Improved protection of cattle against anaplasmosis in tick-infested areas of Australia project compared experimental chilled and frozen vaccines with the current registered chilled and frozen trivalent tick…

The Enhanced diagnostics, molecular epidemiology and disease ecology for anthrax project aimed to develop knowledge and tools to help optimise response strategies and assist in the prevention of…