Diseases and vaccination



The ‘Managing the detrimental effects of indospicine through rumen metabolism’ project aims to deliver a rumen inoculum to mitigate the detrimental effects of the plant toxin indospicine on cattle.

Tail rot is a common occurrence in north Australian cattle herds. A common perception is that tail rot is a progressive infectious disease that ascends the tail, and…

Stringhalt in cattle is due to the inside ligament becoming hooked over the top of the knee, i.e. a virtual dislocation. Read more about possible causes and prevention.

Post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) is a very common condition in weaned calves. It is mainly caused by two coccidia (Eimeria bovis and E. zuernii) that normally inhabit the intestinal tract. Coccidiosis is…

Vaccinations are an important part of disease prevention in an animal health program. Read more about key vaccines used in Queensland.

Vaccines can be used to protect livestock from a number of diseases thereby improving the overall health of the herd and increase productivity. However, using vaccines requires a…

Find out more about diseases and parasites that can affect cattle in northern Australia, including tips on diagnosing diseases and nutritional deficiencies.

Find out about beef cattle health: vaccines and vaccination programs, diagnosing disease and deficiencies, diseases of cattle, zoonoses, identifying and treating parasites, feed-related poisoning, nutritional deficiencies, etc.