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Business EDGE workshop Bundaberg
Start: | Monday 12 November 2018 @ 8:30am |
End: | Tuesday 13 November 2018 @ 5:00pm | Event category: | Past event, People and business |
Venue |
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Growing business skills and financial literacy for grazing business managers
Grazing businesses require a lot of capital and labour. Is yours providing you with sufficient returns given the capital and time you invest in it… or is it just providing you with a basic lifestyle?
Successful grazing businesses are generating sufficient profits to reward their owners for both their capital investment in the business and their efforts in running the business.
This puts these businesses in a position to be able to fund growth, debt reduction, retirement and succession.
Growing the business skills and financial literacy of your management team is the starting point to improved financial performance.
What will you take home from The Business EDGE?
During the two days of The Business EDGE you will acquire the knowledge and skills to…
- Determine if all the family needs and aspirations can be funded by the business
- Prepare and understand key financial information on your business
- Assess and manage agricultural business risk
- Understand and manage enterprise performance, including understanding what the key profit drivers are, how to influence them and what effect they have on overall business performance
- And much more…
Comprehensive course notes are provided, along with decision support spreadsheet tools to help you apply the material to your business. Follow up is available to all participants.
The investment…
all prices exclude GST and are fully tax deductible.
1 person – full fee $1,500, early bird* $1,250
2+ from business – full fee $1,250 each, early bird* $1,000 each
*Early bird applies if registered and paid 4 weeks prior to course start date.
For more information or to register your interest call…
Ian McLean on 0401 118 191 or Joanne Herley on 0427 118 699
Click: www.bushagri.com.au
Email: admin@bushagri.com.au
Download the Business EDGE flyer (PDF, 902KB).