New Queensland Drought Assistance Roadshow — Warwick

Hawker Road Function Centre, Warwick Hawker Road, Warwick, Queensland, Australia

Are you interested in the new Queensland drought assistance? Queensland is leading the way by supporting drought preparedness activities for a broader range of primary producers. Come along…


Building grazing business resilience — Gayndah

Golden Orange Motel 3-5 Maltby Place, Gayndah, Qld, Australia

You are invited to Building Grazing Business Resilience at Gayndah, 16 June. Come and learn about new drought assistance and resources, discuss drought management ideas and identify learning…


New Queensland Drought Assistance Roadshow — Dalby

Russell Tavern, Dalby Roche Street, Dalby, Queensland, Australia

Are you interested in the new Queensland drought assistance? Queensland is leading the way by supporting drought preparedness activities for a broader range of primary producers. Come along…


Building grazing business resilience — Biggenden

Biggenden Biggenden, Qld, Australia

You are invited to Building Grazing Business Resilience at Biggenden, 17 June. Come and learn about new drought assistance and resources, discuss drought management ideas and identify learning…


Regen Ag Tour 2022 – Western Queensland

Macintyre Ag Alliance invites you to join us on a farm tour of the Western Downs and Maranoa from Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd June. After our initial…

Building grazing business resilience — Toogoolawah

Toogoolawah Golf Club Annette Street, Toogoolawah, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to Building Grazing Business Resilience at Toogoolawah, 21 June. Come and learn about new drought assistance and resources, discuss drought management ideas and identify learning…


Building grazing business resilience — Gatton

Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre 34 Lake Apex Drive, Gatton , Qld, Australia

You are invited to Building Grazing Business Resilience at Gatton, 22 June. Come and learn about new drought assistance and resources, discuss drought management ideas and identify learning…


Building grazing business resilience — Boonah

The Outlook 4001 Boonah-Ipswich Road, Boonah, Qld, Australia

You are invited to Building Grazing Business Resilience at Boonah, 23 June. Come and learn about new drought assistance and resources, discuss drought management ideas and identify learning…


Talkin’ Bulls, Breeders & The Bottom Line – Tooloombilla

Tooloombilla Tooloombilla, Queensland

Topics: Breeder management BULLCHECK Making use of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) Research project findings (past & present) Speakers: Tim Emery, DAF Roma Sandi Jephcott, beef cattle veterinarian Roma…

Ag-Grow Emerald 2022 Field Day

26089 Capricorn Highway Emerald Qld 4720 26089 Capricorn Highway, Emerald, QLD, Australia

Emerald's Ag-Grow Field day showcases the very best Australian agriculture has to offer. The three days of the AG-Grow Emerald Field Days are designed not only to showcase…
