Nutrition EDGE – Longreach

Longreach Longreach, Qld, Australia

Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of animal nutrition. Participants will be able to make better decisions to achieve their herd performance…

Nutrition EDGE Longreach (Second workshop!)

Due to demand a second Nutrition EDGE has been scheduled for Longreach in July! Nutrition EDGE is a three-day workshop and practical session covering all aspects of animal…

Paperless office workshop – online

Online webinar , Australia

Are you getting swamped with paper in your office? Partners in Grain Queensland are offering a Paperless Office Workshop over three online sessions: Session 1: Monday 20 July…


Business EDGE – Winton

Winton Winton, Qld, Australia

Get your head around more of the 'business side' of your business. Develop your financial knowledge and business understanding. Understand where your business is performing well and where…

Paperless office workshop – online Revision and Q&A

Online webinar , Australia

Are you getting swamped with paper in your office? Partners in Grain Queensland are offering a Paperless Office Workshop over three online sessions: Session 1: Monday 20 July…


Farm finance webinar – getting prepared

Online webinar , Australia

Farm finance webinar is presented by Young Farmer Business Network. Learn the ins and outs of managing money, debt and talking to banks at this online workshop on…
