Calf Alive symposium panel Q&A day 1

In this Calf Alive symposium presentation, the speakers from the first day of the symposium tackle technical and practical questions posed by the audience. Topics discussed include: Akabane disease, quality of colostrum, importance of water, post-partum nutrition and more.

You can watch the full recording or use the playlist below to jump to the start of a particular section within the presentation.

Full video (55:53)


Playlist index

  1. Tackling Akabane disease: Michael McGowan (00:00)
  2. Discussion on: dystocia and nutrition in first calf heifers; pelvimetric measurements as a management tool, and; is udder size an indicator of high milk production? Tom Kasari and Michael McGowan (03:32)
  3. Is milk let-down consistent across lactation? Jarud Muller (12:07)
  4. Akabane and mucosal diseases in more detail: Michael McGowan (14:37)
  5. Topical pain relief and looking at the quality of colostrum: Tom Kasari and Michael McGowan (20:59)
  6. Impact of ambient temperature at calving versus quality of feed at calving: Tom Kasari and Dan Lynch (27:45)
  7. Importance of water: Dan Lynch, Jarud Muller and Michael McGowan (33:39)
  8. Discussion on any connections between the use of working dogs and cattle responses to wild dogs: Dan Lynch and Lee Allen (37:47)
  9. Post-partum nutrition and cow body condition score: Dan Lynch, Jarud Muller and Michael McGowan (39:54)
  10. Discussion on high heifer wastage versus calf wastage: Michael McGowan and Tom Kasari (43:48)
  11. Discussion on E.coli in calves: Tom Kasari and Michael McGowan (52:32)

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