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The Farm Data Portal is an interactive tool containing data and outputs from ABARES surveys.
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) administers financial assistance programs including subsidies, rebates, grants and loans on behalf of the Australian, state and territory governments throughout…
BRICK is a business analysis spreadsheet that aims to assess the productivity and profitability of extensive grazing enterprises. It uses management accounting principles and results from the CashCow project to help you identify areas of your beef business which may be under performing.
Here are a range of tools to help you make informed business and production decisions relating to your beef enterprise. All tools are provided as downloadable Microsoft Excel…
Find out how to use NLIS as a management tool to support your business decisions, i.e. linking NLIS tags to animal performance measures.
Cost of production measures the outlay of producing beef in cents per kilogram. It is a tool used by graziers to analyse their operations and benchmark against peers…
A significant volume of representative herd data for northern Australia was produced in a large modelling exercise, conducted under the auspices of the Beef CRC and assisted by…
The Breedcow and Dynama herd management program has been updated and is now available online. First developed in 1988 by Bill Holmes, formerly a Principal Agricultural Economist with…