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Economic modelling of grazing systems in the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments was a joint project with the Fitzroy Basin Association and the Queensland Department of Employment Economic Development and Innovation. The project…
We often hear beef producers complaining about the price of beef in the shops compared to the price they receive on sale to the abattoir. The costs involved…
We often hear the saying, ‘more cattle means more money’. But is this always the case? At Grazing land management EDGE and Nutrition EDGE workshops many producers have…
When deciding on a supplement strategy, it is important to determine the cost of the supplement in relation to the nutrient you require. In some cases, the supplement…
The law of diminishing returns and the fallacy of numbers More cattle usually means more production in total but some loss of production per head. Eventually, more cattle…
Northern Australian cattle breeders sell male progeny into a variety of markets at ages ranging from several months to as much as four and a half years. Most…