Articles and factsheets



This fact sheet highlights and addresses the findings of a national workforce survey of the pastoral livestock industry including the hidden cost of staff shortages and turnover; attracting…

This fact sheet highlights and addresses the findings of a national workforce survey of the pastoral livestock industry. The Northern beef industry has a high proportion of large…

The Long Paddock hosts a range of useful climate-related maps (including rainfall and pasture growth), climate outlooks, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), publications, calculators and other tools relevant to…

The PREgCHECK® (NCPD) scheme is a nationally recognised quality tail tagging system for the identification and certification of cattle pregnancy status, particularly for sale purposes. It was developed…

PestSmart provides best practice information on how to plan, manage and improve animal control programs in Australia. It covers wild dogs, foxes, feral pigs, rabbits, feral cats and…

Want to see new management practices and technologies in action? The MLA Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) program gives producers an opportunity to discover and implement new management practices…

The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) administers financial assistance programs including subsidies, rebates, grants and loans on behalf of the Australian, state and territory governments throughout…

You can order vaccine directly from the Tick Fever Centre by phone, fax, by using the online order form, or through your local veterinarian or rural agency. Find…

Bull Check is the Australian Cattle Veterinarians accredited scheme for assessing bull soundness. Accredited veterinarians undergo additional training and examination to ensure all vets are at a set…