Publications and books



The Pasture Management for South East Queensland Catchments booklet has been thoroughly reviewed and updated through Natural Resources Investment Program. “We are excited to have completed this work,”…

Leucaena is highly responsive to fertiliser when available soil nutrient levels are low. So how do you tell? Plant tissue testing is the best way to determine if…

Stylos are a highly variable group of legumes of the genus Stylosanthes. Known for their nitrogen fixing abilities and high nutrient quality, they are highly valued in grazed…

Have you attended a mapping workshop but since forgotten some of the tips you were taught? This eBook from SQ Landscapes is for you! Whether you use Queensland…

A burning management system for shrub control in the mulga country of south west Queensland is beneficial for production and conservation by maintaining good land condition. Read about…

The book contains information about planning for the dry season management including benefits of selling down early in low rainfall years, recovery from drought, how to assess the…

A report summarising results for the Central West Mitchell Grasslands region is available for download from the Improving profitability and resilience of beef and sheep businesses in Queensland…

Helping grazing businesses become more profitable and drought resilient is the aim of a QDAF project funded by the Queensland Government’s Drought and Climate Adaptation Program.  Economic analyses…

This publication, Gully erosion—Options for prevention and rehabilitation published by Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management, provides a step-by-step photo-guide of how different types of gully erosion…

This guide, compiled by the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association, provides information on the safe design, construction and operation of livestock loading/unloading ramps and forcing yards. The purpose…