Burdekin region GLM land types

To view the description for a specific land type within the Burdekin region, click on the land type below, or download the complete summary:

Burdekin region land types COMBINED (PDF, 22 MB)

Individual land types:

Have you come across an AL GLM land type code on your land type map? AL land type codes are given to regional ecosystems not suitable for grazing. Find out what your AL code represents


Anderson E. R. (1993). Plants of central Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane. Information Series QI92037.

Gunn R.H., Galloway R.W. Pedley, L. and Fitzpatrick, E.A. (1967). Lands of the Nogoa-Belyando area, Queensland. Land Research Series No. 18, CSIRO, Melbourne.

Queensland Herbarium (2009). Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD). Version 6.0b. Updated November 2009 (Department of Environment and Resource Management: Brisbane).

Rogers L.G., Cannon M.G. and Barry E.V. (1999). Land Resources of the Dalrymple Shire. Volume 1. Land Resources Bulletin, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.

Rolfe J., Golding T. and Cowan D. (1997). Is your pasture past it? The glove box guide to native pasture identification in north Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane. Information Series QI97083.

Shields, P.G., Chamberlain H.J. and Booth N.J. (1993) Soils and agricultural use in the Kilcummin area, Central Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Thwaites, R. N. and Maher, J.M (eds) (1993). Understanding and managing soils in the Central Highlands. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Specific information for the Burdekin region

Pasture photo yield standards Einsleigh Uplands, Wet Tropics and Burdekin →

Land condition photo standards (thanks to NQ Dry Tropics) →

Practical solutions to beef enterprise issues in the Burdekin catchment (2008) → 

Economic modelling of grazing systems in the Fitzroy and Burdekin catchments (2010) →