


The Leucaena rumen inoculum – composition and activity project researched the biology and bacterial mix of leucaena rumen inoculum to prevent its degradation at all stages in the…

The Leucaena DNA profiling project aimed to provide a DNA profile of the new variety ‘Redlands’ (BL12) and compare it to other psyllid resistant leucaenas (BL24, BL34, BL39),…

The Demonstrating the impacts of land preparation techniques on leucaena establishment and productivity project investigated establishment options for leucaena that minimised costs and reduced production time. When: 1…

The Breeding a psyllid-resistant Leucaena hybrid for northern Australia – Phase 2 project continued the work of previous breeding programs aiming to produce a psyllid-resistant variety of leucaena…

The Economic performance of beef cattle finishing systems used on the North-Eastern Downs project was set up as part of the Implementation of Producer Demonstration Sites to increase…

The Leucaena – the case for developing a sterile variety project evaluated the technical feasibility of developing sterile leucaena using two contrasting methodologies: genetic modification and hybrid breeding…

The Impacts of leucaena plantations on greenhouse gas emissions in northern Australian cattle production systems project was conducted with steers grazing established leucaena or grass pastures to determine…

This guide is based on the very successful Leucaena for profit and sustainability training courses run by the University of Queensland, and pulls together 20 years of research experience…

The ‘Lifting leucaena adoption in North Queensland’ project uses a producer demonstration site (PDS) to investigate establishing and managing leucaena and its impact on livestock production.

The ‘Assessing productivity gains for cattle grazing “Redlands” (R12) leucaena in northern Queensland’ project will investigate the performance of weaners grazing the new psyllid resistant leucaena variety ‘Redlands’ relative to an existing commercial leucaena variety (Wondergraze).