Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) to test and demonstrate establishment techniques and quantify productivity on commercial scale Leucaena in QLD

The Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) to test and demonstrate establishment techniques and quantify productivity on commercial scale Leucaena in QLD project commenced in 2012 but was terminated early due to significant challenges with plant germination and establishment, primarily attributed to adverse seasonal conditions over the several years of the project. Although the original intent of the project did not eventuate, there are some significant learnings, documented in the Discussion section of this report.

When: 1 April 2013 to 16 June 2015

Contact: David J Hickey

Collaborator: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

More information

For more information please read the final report summary or download the final report (E.PDS.1308) (PDF, 3.9 MB) from Meat & Livestock Australia.