Four distinct factors impact feedlot profitability: buying price of store cattle selling price of finished cattle cost of the diet cattle performance, as influenced by management. Each factor…

Losses between confirmed pregnancy and weaning continue to be one of the most important problems confronting beef industries globally. Lane et al (2015) recently estimated that dystocia and…

Northern Breeding Business (NB2) is a strategic partnership and a joint initiative of MLA and North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC). NB2 aims to improve the long-term viability…

Drew and Annie Hacon run up to 2000 head on Cubbaroo. During the 2019 flood, parts of Cubbaroo suffered severe erosion. Of particular concern was a large channel that had formed from a well‐worn cattle pad. Here is how Drew and Annie have remediated the site.

Livestock properties occupy almost 50% of the Australian continent. They have potential to store large amounts of carbon in vegetation and soil as well as supporting unique biodiversity…

Rehabilitating degraded lands and increasing ground cover helps to reduce sediment runoff onto the Great Barrier Reef. Although grazing management strategies can often improve ground cover levels, degraded…

Beef CRC projects were conducted through the Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies to enhance the productivity and profitability of the Australian beef industry.

This project aims to quantify the productivity and ecosystems services of silvopastoral systems (SPS), a dual management of livestock and trees as a pathway to became carbon neutral…

The Grazing Land Management (GLM) land type mapping is the spatial representation of Land types of Queensland as described by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).…

Addressing the mortality rate of cows and calves is crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability of the northern Australian beef industry. The central hypothesis of the Calf Alive…

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