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The In vitro culture of buffalo fly and infections with Wolbachia project developed an in vitro buffalo fly colony and cell line to assist in investigating new control…
The Improved protection of cattle against anaplasmosis in tick-infested areas of Australia project compared experimental chilled and frozen vaccines with the current registered chilled and frozen trivalent tick…
The Improved modelling of livestock production from lucerne project improved the capacity of the GRAZPLAN pasture growth model to predict lucerne growth and development by analysis of a…
The Improved empirical models of cattle growth, reproduction and mortality project from native pastures in northern Australia project reviewed, tested and updated animal production modules of existing grazing…
The HRM and cell grazing: a review of the evidence base project examined comparisons of stocking methods including continuous grazing and intensive rotational methods described as Cell Grazing…
High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets: Phase 1 investigated increasing profitability of growing and finishing beef cattle in the Fitzroy River catchment through more effective utilisation of…
The High-output forage systems for meeting beef markets: Phase 2 project built on findings from Phase 1 to investigate the relative profitability of six forage options for backgrounding…
The Growth and meat quality of grain finished entire male Bos indicus cattle project built on previous MLA research which demonstrated significant productivity gains in entire male cattle.…
The Fungal biopesticide for cattle tick and buffalo fly control project investigated the efficacy of using fungal biopesticides to control cattle ticks and buffalo flies on northern Australian…
The Fungal biopesticide for cattle tick control project investigated the use of fungal biopesticides for cattle tick control. Summary Cattle ticks (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) are a serious external…