


The Epigenetics in the red meat industry project looked at epigenetics and its potential application in cattle and sheep industries in Australia. For more information please read the final report summary and…

The ‘Early predictors of lifetime female reproductive performance’ project sought to identify early-in-life indicator traits that could be used in selection to improve lifetime reproduction rates.

The ‘Causal factors affecting liveweight gain in north Australian beef herds’ project measured factors that affect within-herd variation in weight gain in extensive Northern Territory beef herds. The factors included genetics, diseases, parasites, temperament and diet selection. It also analysed historical data sets and pen studies.

Beef CRC projects were conducted through the Cooperative Research Centre for Beef Genetic Technologies to enhance the productivity and profitability of the Australian beef industry.

The ‘Additional measurements on muscle line cattle’ project investigated the impact of selecting for different levels of muscling on progeny performance in an Angus herd.

The ‘walk over weigh’ or ‘WOW’ project demonstrates using walk over weighing and remote camera monitoring on a Richmond property in North Queensland.

The ‘Managing the detrimental effects of indospicine through rumen metabolism’ project aims to deliver a rumen inoculum to mitigate the detrimental effects of the plant toxin indospicine on cattle.

Seed production projects aim to develop and improve pasture species for the northern grazing industry.

The $avannaPlan-Beef$ense project is an integrated, on-property service that assists beef producers to identify and implement specific financial and business management strategies to improve the viability of their enterprise.

The ‘Promising pastures’ project investigates recently released or advanced varieties of pasture grasses and legumes for beef finishing and breeding systems in northern Queensland.