


Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs) are implants that contain naturally occurring hormones to promote growth in cattle. This resource simplifies the need to know information on HGPs and the important considerations before starting an implant program.

Over recent years, there has been a huge growth in interest in the potential for soil carbon sequestration in agricultural lands, and the opportunities this may offer land…

The glove box guide to native pasture identification in north Queensland This manual will assist people with pasture identification and grazing management. It includes key native pasture species…

Northern Breeding Business (NB2) is a strategic partnership and a joint initiative of MLA and North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC). NB2 aims to improve the long-term viability…

The ‘Carbon Neutral Grazier Network’ provides the latest tips and information on positioning your business to take advantage of the rapidly evolving world of environmental markets and certification…

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development insecticidal fly tag trial has recently published its findings. The project aimed to reduce the insect burden for cattle with…

    This project aims to quantify the productivity and ecosystems services of silvopastoral systems (SPS), a dual management of livestock and trees as a pathway to became…

The ECOGRAZE project increased understanding of how pastures in different condition responds to grazing, spelling and fire. From these learnings grazing management options were developed.

New report reviews potential for soil carbon sequestration in north Australian grazing lands A report commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has found there are modest…

A GrazingFutures case study Written by Kaitlyn Hay, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Invisible state borders often separate Australia’s agriculture practices. However Northwest Queensland and the Northern…