Southern Gulf region GLM land types

To view the description for a specific land type within the Southern Gulf region of Queensland, click on the land type or plant index below:

Individual land types:

Have you come across an AL GLM land type code on your land type map? AL land type codes are given to regional ecosystems not suitable for grazing. Find out what your AL code represents


Bishop, H.G. (1973) Gulf country pastures-2. Queensland Agricultural Journal Vol.99:325–331.

Brooker M. I. H. and Kleinig D. A. (2004). Field guide to Eucalypts. Volume 3 Northern Australia. 2nd Edition. Blooming Books, Melbourne Australia.

Henderson, R.T.F. (1997) Queensland plants names and distributions. Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment.

Fox, I.D., Neldner, V.J., Wilson, G.W. and Bannink, P.J. (2001) The vegetation of the Australian tropical savannas. Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane.

Milson, J. (1995). Plant identification in the arid zone. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Milson, J. (2000). Pasture plants of north-west Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Milson, J. (2000). Trees and shrubs of north-west Queensland. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.

Perry, R.A., Sleeman, J.R., Twidale, C.R., Prichard, C.E., Slatyer, R.O., Lazarides, M. and Collins, F.H. (1964). General report on lands of the Leichhardt-Gilbert Area, Queensland 1953-54. CSIRO, Melbourne.

Queensland Herbarium (2015). Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD). Version 9.0 (April 2015). Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation: Brisbane. Available at (Accessed 03/06/2016).

Additional Southern Gulf resources

North west highlands pasture photo standards →

Mitchell grass photo standards →

Gulf plains photo standards →